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rwmb_set_meta is a helper function that helps you to set value for a field.


This function accepts 4 parameters as follows:

rwmb_set_meta( $object_id, $field_id, $value, $args = [] );
$object_idObject (post, term, user) ID. If you need to set value for an option (using MB Settings Page), object ID is the option name.
$field_idField ID.
$valueValue. Should be compatible with field value format. See database.
$argsExtra arguments for some object types or storages. It works similarly in rwmb_meta function. Can be array or a string in format param1=value1m2=value2. Optional.

This function works only when the field is already registered. In Meta Box, fields are registered at hook init with priority 20. So, you need to run this function after that:

add_action( 'init', function() {
rwmb_set_meta( 12, 'my_field', 'my_value' );
}, 99 );


Setting a field value for a post:

add_action( 'init', function() {
$post_id = 123;
$field_id = 'my_field';
$value = 'My custom value';
rwmb_set_meta( $post_id, $field_id, $value );
}, 99 );

Setting a cloneable group value for a post:

add_action( 'init', function() {
$post_id = 123;
$field_id = 'my_field';
$value = [
'name' => 'Andy',
'email' => '',
'name' => 'Bruce',
'email' => '',
rwmb_set_meta( $post_id, $field_id, $value );
}, 99 );

Setting a field value for a term:

add_action( 'init', function() {
$term_id = 123;
$field_id = 'my_field';
$value = 'My custom value';
rwmb_set_meta( $term_id, $field_id, $value );
}, 99 );

Setting a field value for a user:

add_action( 'init', function() {
$user_id = 123;
$field_id = 'my_field';
$value = 'My custom value';
rwmb_set_meta( $user_id, $field_id, $value );
}, 99 );

Setting a field value for a settings page:

add_action( 'init', function() {
$option_name = 'my_option';
$field_id = 'my_field';
$value = 'My custom value';
rwmb_set_meta( $option_name, $field_id, $value, [ 'object_type' => 'setting' ] );
}, 99 );

Setting a field value with custom table:

add_action( 'init', function() {
$table_name = 'my_table';
$post_id = 123;
$field_id = 'my_field';
$value = 'My custom value';
rwmb_set_meta( $post_id, $field_id, $value, [
'storage_type' => 'custom_table',
'table' => $table_name,
] );
}, 99 );