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Adding icons to the title of custom fields

Icons can be used instead of text when naming a meta box's title or field name. Let’s find out how to create it in this tutorial!

Enqueuing CSS and fonts library for the icons

As you know, there are several icon libraries. You should enqueue your desired library to the theme before using it.

If you use FontAwesome, Elusive, or Genericons, follow these instructions:

  1. Download the library to your computer.
  2. Copy the CSS and font files and paste them into the theme’s folder.
  3. Add this code to the functions.php file.
function your_prefix_enqueue_admin_style() {
wp_enqueue_style( 'admin_css', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . 'css_file_direction_in_the_theme_folder' );
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'your_prefix_enqueue_admin_style' );

You can skip this step if you’re using Dashicons. Because this library was created by WordPress, you may use it without enqueueing.

I’ll use Dashicons in this practice since it's simpler.

Adding icons to the title of the custom fields

There are two ways to insert icons into the title of meta box or field name, which are using code or UI. However, the UI is available only when you have Meta Box Builder,

Here is my example with 3 custom fields inside. I will add icons to this meta box and its custom fields.

Example of created fields

Firstly, go to the Dashicons page and get the HTML for the icons.

Go to Dashicons page to get the HTML for the icons

Then, choose one of these ways.

1. Using code to add icons

Add the HTML to the meta box's title attribute or the field's name attribute.

For example, here is the original code of a meta box created by Meta Box plugin:

Teh original code

I added the HTMLs of the icons to these positions:

Add the HTMLs of the icons

Save the code, and the fields will look like this:

The fields display after saving the code

2. Using UI to add icons

In this way, you need to install Meta Box Builder which provides an intuitive UI to create and configure custom fields in the admin dashboard.

Here are my example fields.

Example fields

Now, we add the HTML of the icon to the Title of Meta Box or Label of fields.

Add the HTML of the icon

Finally, select Update to save all the changes.

Here is the result on the frontend:

The result